A simple Addition to your MEC Reloader and save literally hundreds of dollars
One Charge Bar for lead-shot, steel-shot, bismuth and powder.
The Universal Charge Bar™ is infinitely adjustable for all your shot shell reloading needs.
- Model “C/CS” replaces all the standard charge bars and bushings used in MEC single-stage reloading machines (MEC600Jr., 700Versa mec, Sizemaster 77, MEC600, 400, 250 and 250 Super, Mark 5, and Texan LT, GT, and FW
- Model “D/DS” replaces all the standard charge bars and bushings used in MEC progressive reloading machines (MEC650, MEC Grabber, MEC9000, et cetera)
- Model ” Shuttle Bar ” replaces all the standard charge bars (for Shot only, not for Powder) used in MEC single-stage reloading machines (MEC600Jr., 700Versa mec, Size master 77, MEC600, 400, 250 and 250 Super, Mark 5, and Texan LT, GT, and FW).
- The Shuttle Bar must only be used together with MEC Powder Bushing and MEC Powder Chart